Homecare Association response to the major conditions strategy consultation

We have responded to the Major Conditions Strategy - our response is available for download below.

In our response we draw attention to the potential for the homecare workforce to contribute to the wellbeing of people with significant health conditions if they are properly resourced to do so. We highlight the potential for specialist condition-specific training for staff. This can help to spot early signs to signpost people for diagnosis but can also help careworkers to know how to help people to live well with their condition. Specialist training and career progression should be accompanied with funding to recognise the value of staff member's expertise and ensure parity of pay with the NHS and other sectors.

We highlight the value of including homecare staff in Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) and ensuring good access for people to the equipment, adaptations, occupational and physiotherapy that they need. Good relationships with specialists in, for example, continence care and at memory clinics can help to support staff to acheive better outcomes for the people that they are working with.

Homecare staff can play a preventative role by supporting people to stay well and access healthy choices. However, commissioning systems need to take this into account. Time and task based commissioning may not always allow for the time, or prioritise the activities that might be needed to allow people healthy choices when it comes to food, exercise or other factors, such as smoking cessation. Homecare services can also support people and link people into wider communities in a way that can prevent the detrimental effects of loneliness on people's health and wellbeing. Homecare needs to be considered as a partner in public health interventions (which may require resourcing).

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