Homecare Association Minimum Price for Homecare 2023-24 (Wales)
The Homecare Association has published its new calculation for the Minimum Price for Homecare of £28.64 per hour in Wales, effective immediately.
Our Minimum Price for Wales is the amount required to ensure careworkers receive the Real Living Wage (excluding any enhancements for unsocial hours working), their travel time, mileage, and wage-related on-costs. The rate also includes the minimum contribution towards the costs of running a care business which complies with quality requirements at a financially sustainable level.
The Minimum Price calculations are widely recognised within the social care and health sectors in all four UK administrations. For the first time this year, we have produced separate reports and prices for each UK nation.
We will continue to challenge central government on the overall funding of social care. It is, however, councils, the NHS and Health and Social Care Trusts (in Northern Ireland) that are responsible for determining the prices they pay for homecare services at a local level.